Monday, June 25, 2012

Wednesday Quilting poetry Gary Wittmann

My Grandmother quilted every Wednesday at church for the holiday fair. Here is a poem I wrote about that experience.

Friday, June 22, 2012

I like my new glass poetry

Wearing glasses can be a pain.   But this doctor found a new way to help this boy with his glasses

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Wishing Star

Star are part of our lives. We wish on them.  We look for the twinkle. Here is an award winning song written by my brother Christopher Wittmann.  He is a fantastic singer, composer and guitarist. You can find this song on our Dove Award winning cd called Creating the Circle of Stories, Poetry and Songs.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Love the children should come first. Lullaby

As each one of my children were born. I would write a lullaby just for them.  I would sing the song while rocking in the chair.  A love song that your child will remember for the rest of their life.   Sing from the heart.   Sing loud and sing clear.  Each note and word will be theirs for life.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Words words, words, words, turn the world around

Standing on the stage, stuttering to get the words out of my mouth to tell a group of parents and kids why they should join Boy Scout which was part of my Communication Merit Page.  This was the same boy who could speak correctly in third grade.  Today he has been a Special Education Teacher for 33 years and Teacher of the Year in 2007 for the State Of Indiana, a Dale Carnegie Instructor, a University Instructor for speech class at VUJC, Professional Storyteller for 20 years, Composer, Author, Award winning Recording Artist, and Puppeteer.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

O Me O My What a silly Song about Ice Cream

What fun it is to eat ice cream.   Here is a catchy tune that is popular with my storytelling group of children.  You can order it here.
The world of storytelling always begins with Once Upon a Time , with an adventure throughout the middle and finally a climax  to the end and as always they lived happy ever aftered.   The three part style is common in the Three Little pigs   and Three Billy Goat Gruff and more. You write in the comments your three part stories.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Once Upon a Time is a series for everyone.   Today is Turtle Stories and songs

Up The Tree House First Poetry Book Gary Wittmann

This is exciting.  Order your autograph copy click here.

Tai Cheng Gary Wittmann Beachbody Dr. Mark Cheng

Tai Cheng new exercise Beachbody product by Dr. Mark Cheng.    Join my group and buy Tai Cheng at    and also check out facebook page called Building a Better Life.  Go to the online store and click Tai Cheng!/BuildingABetterLife.    Tai Cheng is great for doing to relax before doing storyteller.   This has been a major befefits for me.  I have one on youtube in Gary Wittmann